Tuesday, April 10, 2012

In a different direction


That I have wanted to write a "Blog" is something I have known for quite some time now. The concept has always fascinated me. I have spent a fair amount of my free time over the last few years reading other people's blogs and taking in what they have to say and, more importantly, the way that they choose to say it. I remember thinking to myself early on that this idea of making story driven posts for all of the world to observe and take in was really going to become the "thing" of the future. Long before I really even fully grasped the concept of blogging, it was clear in my mind that I believed that I have the personality and the skills necessary to be able to do it, whether successfully or not is a whole other matter but, I'm determined to try!

One of the things I have come to learn early on in my attempts at this particular blog is that coming up with interesting source material is a good bit more difficult than I had originally anticpated. I will admit to initially being naieve in thoughts that I could consistantly produce ideas and concepts that people would actually be interested to read with any regularity. This realization has led me to a different way of thinking. Perhaps, it would be better for me to write about whatever I feel like with the idea that the writting is what is making me happy and not so much with the focus on whether anyone else will ever read or care about what I have put out? In rationally thinking about this, it seems to make the most sense to me and should, in theory free me from spending as much time worrying about whether anyone actually cares. Not that I don't worry about that, trust me I do but, in not spending as much time thinking about what other's may think, surely I would free myself up to write about what I feel in a way that may enhance the enjoyment I receive from the simple act of writting.

So, to sum it up, less time spent worrying and more time spent writting. While everyone might not necessarily agree with whatever I post next, I will at least know that I am doing it for reasons that satisfy me. Feel free to come along for the ride and observe what I write or, feel free to bail now before it all gets strange..... ;)