Tuesday, January 31, 2012

So much to do, so little time.


It never ceases to amaze me that I can never quite seem to get everything I'm "supposed" to do in any given day, done.

To say that life in today's society is filled with so much to keep us all busy is a given and certainly I am no different than anyone else in this matter. I've had a decent amount of time to think about this concept lately and I thought it might be useful to jot down a few thoughts and feelings I had to remind myself in the future of where I've been in the past.

A typical day for me usually starts around 5 a.m. when the unpleasant shrieking of the alarm clock pulls me unwillingly back into this plane of existence for another fun filled day. To say that this is the least pleasant part of my daily routine is a clear understatement! Now I'll tell you right up front, I'm a bit of a snooze button abuser! Yes, shocking, I know but, who amongst us isn't? So, right there is the first time waster, I mean after a good 2 or 3 whacks at the button I get to settle back into the pillow for a glorious 9 more minutes of what best could be described as "Almost getting back to sleep just in time to be yanked right back into reality with a hard and fast jerk!". Kinda makes me wonder why I bother snoozing at all!

After having wasted a good 15-20 minutes of the beginning of my day wrestling with the clock, I manage to pull myself up out of the wrack and head off to shower and prep for the day. After the prep, there's a moment or two to dress and then kiss the wife goodbye before heading out to wake up the Teenager to get her started on her daily journey. (That's a whole different story for another time!) (Time Wasted ~ 15-20 minutes)

Now comes the start of the glory of my daily routine, and by glory I mean, that thing that will test my resolve, validate my insane desire to be subjected to dealing with the commuter portion of the human race, and that will test my patience in a way that only the people that are actually forced to do this can understand. That thing is my daily commute! Included in this commute is at least an hour on the DC Metro Trains and roughly about three hours a day in a car. For those that ride Metro or know someone that do, I thank you for your pity in advance! (Time wasted: ~4 hrs.)

Of course, I expect absolutely zero sympathy from anyone for the next portion of my day which all of us who have yet to hit the Lotto share, work. I'm fairly lucky in that, for the most part, my work usually stimulates me and gets me through the day fairly quickly however; which one of us wouldn't rather be lying on a beach in the Bahamas sipping on a nice cold tropical drink than spending even 5 minutes at work? (Hey look, there's one guy in the back that didn't raise his hand!! "Hey buddy, what's yer problem?!! Get with the program and get out here on the sand!") (Time Wasted ~ 8hrs.)

Once the evening commute is completed it becomes time to complete that day's chores and running around. Play practices, school meetings, trips to the hardware store for miscellaneous "weekend" repair jobs that I'm probably never going to get to ("Sorry honey."), and anything else under the sun that can eat up the precious small amount of time that I have left in the day, seem to be the normal order of things. (Time Wasted ~ 3-4 hrs.)

At this point you, like me, have likely come to the conclusion that there just aren't enough hours in the day to accommodate all of this stuff. Not that startling a revelation I know, but to me, the real question is "Why do we do it?" All of the running around, commuting, working, prepping, snoozing, what's the point?

Wouldn't it be better if we could somehow find a way to balance all of this noise out and to tune our lives to a more peaceful and pleasant song that would facilitate things like time with family, enjoying pursuit of our hobbies and interests without guilt, and just appreciating what life has to offer us on a daily basis?

I wonder how fast I would get bored with that!! ;)

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