Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The things that might not be


Each day I get out of bed in the early morning hours to get ready for another adventure. Some of these days, I go to work. Some of these days, I enjoy my weekend. Some of these days, it's not the overall activity that makes the difference so much as it is the thoughts that come to me in that time. The one thing that I find in common with almost all of my days recently is that the thoughts that make the most difference to me are of things that might or might not be.

What will today bring? Will I like it? Will it make me a better friend, colleague, parent, or spouse? How will I know? Will I be aware enough to realize the good or potential bad that is right in front of me? So many questions, all of them good but, none of them always so quantifiable.

Everywhere you look nowadays, we are constantly bombarded with words and images from the mass media that tell us to buy this, use that, go here, do this thing or the other but, how often do we take a conscious moment to stop and really think about what the real underlying message of all of this noise might be? When was the last time you stopped yourself and thought, "Do I really need this? Do I really think that is the way cool people look or act? Maybe I'm happy with my overall body image and weight and I don't need to stop eating real food to slog down another can or two of Slim-Fast!".

I would encourage everyone to take a moment or two each day to stop, clear your mind of all of the immediate, and to contemplate for a moment or two the things, images, words, and ideas that are invading your almost every waking moment and consider whether or not those ideas are the things that you truly in your heart of heart's want and need for you and your family or, on the other hand....

If they are just the things that might not be......

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